Fashion Week is over for another long stretch and it was (for me, at least) by far one of the best weeks put forward for a long time. With that in mind I couldn't help but share my favourite shows with you guys! I'll do one designer at a time and, I promise, it'll be more a photo gallery than my uneducated praise of the pieces :P
First up was the one that caught my eye before all the rest (even before the Chanel trainers - what the hell are those about?! I know New Balance trainers are becoming acceptable to wear on a night out - apparently - but Chanel! Really?!) Anyway.. even before that, even after I'd stalked my favourite designers, there was still one that stuck in my mind as an "ooohhh... aaahhhh...." show, Valentino!
Valentino has a weird knack for putting things out there that stick in my brain for ages and influence weird decisions like the colour of flowers I put in my room and the make up I wear without realising. Their advert for Valentina made me stop mid-Vogue and stare at it for 5 full minutes, it was that captivating, rare, dreamy beauty that isn't particularly shocking or extraordinary, but it just grabbed me. After that i begun to stalk Valentino more and more (sadly, hated the perfume, but hey ho!)
SO! Enough rambling, below are a few images of my absolute favourite pieces from the show, enjoy!
For those of you who can't see it clearly...
There is art at the bottom of this dress.. actual, incredible art depicting Adam & Eve (i think?) and it's AMAZING
I love me some simple, classic outfits and these are the absolute tits. Class, style, elegance. *applause*
A few details close up..
I love that the look was simple, clean and angelic throughout, it's fresh, flawless and elegant. Face masks anyone?
So they were some of my personal highlights from the show, what do you guys think? Love it, hate it, seen it done better elsewhere? Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to know what you think! :)
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