Saturday, 8 February 2014

F*** Valentine's!

Valentine's Day is less that a week away and for some, it serves as nothing more than a cringe-worthy reminder of singledom, for others its the ultimate night to 'pull', and for others it's a night of extortionate Domino's orders and reacquainting  themselves with the ultimate duo - Ben.. & Jerry. *hallalujah*
But Fear not! Valentine's day is a holiday, single or not, and there are some incredible offers that restaurants, shops, bars and spas throw out there. What's a box of chocolates and a rose compared to an incredible meal (without having to share your dessert), and an evening of pampering at a spa?! It's also a great time to give yourself some good Karma, babysit for your friends with children so they can have a night out (and I guarantee it'll be worth it - not just for the karma!), make someone's day and visit someone you know will be alone - do you have a grandparent or family member that might appreciate some company? There are plenty of ways to survive the holiday of love and come out of it feeling pretty darn happy with yourself.
*Quick note to couples - don't be this guy...*

1. Be your own bloody valentine! 
Of all the times to get yourself a gift, Valentine's is the time. That watch you had your eye on? Need to get your hair done? That extra special pair of jeans? DO IT. Get your house/room some flowers (anything but roses) - they smell incredible and brighten up any space - making you feel HAPPY! Spend time cooking dinner, get something you love and take time to cook it, present it well (on an actual plate, with actual cutlery) and make sure it's done right! (do you want a starter too? pick the wine well, what about dessert?) Put some time and effort into yourself. Presents - check! Flowers - check! Dinner - check! Pick a good film, read a good book, snuggle up in a bed with some hot chocolate (more wine) and just thank Christ you're as awesome as you are!
2. Be someone else's valentine!
Did you know that the original story of Saint Valentine is a tale of sacrifice and martyrdom? (joys of Google.) Why not spend the day doing things for other people? BE GRATEFUL, it may sound harsh and depressing, but just think on it - you might not have 'a valentine' *boohoo* but what about the people who have lost their mother's on mothers day? Or fathers on fathers day? There are a lot of worse things out there than being single for one more day. The love of your life may well be right around the corner, but for some people certain holidays will always be painful. Valentine's may hurt this year, but it hurts a lot less knowing that next year might be very different! So why not spend the day with people who will really appreciate it. Take roses to a home for the elderly, or someone you know who has lost their partner. Has a friend just gone through a break up? Why not show them a bit of love, cook some dinner together, have some wine, watch some films, just have a chilled night - what's the sense in you both being alone?!
There might also be good opportunities to babysit for some friends, letting parents have some romantic time to themselves? They'll be cooking you dinners, inviting you to parties and generally just indebted to you for a fair while - not to mention the good karma you'll have racked up for yourself! Giving out roses, food or just your company to those in need is a great way to make someone else happy this Valentine's, and I guarantee it will make you happy too.
3. Hibernate until it's all over!
If seeing humans just isn't for you on Valentine's - then don't! Stack up some DVD's or books, make yourself a picnic, get the wine in, your favourite Pj's, face masks, nail varnish etc. out and emerge the day after Valentine's day looking better than ever! Do all the things that you NEED to be alone for - wax off the tash, clip your toe nails, eat something carby and fart yourself to a flat stomach, watch a whole season of Sex and the City guilt free, walk around naked - do whatever the hell you want! A full night dedicated to guilty pleasures and you'll surface in the morning feeling spoilt, grateful and damn lucky that no-one saw what you did last night!
4. Get Ahead!
While some go out as a single with the only intention of returning as a couple, other's are pampering, the couples are coupling - grab the opportunity by the cojones! Take this time to knuckle down on a work project, get some extra research done, perfect that presentation or do all those emails you've been putting off. If you're unemployed, then spend the time ramping up your CV (you can totally speak fluent Finnish), applying to jobs, writing cover letters etc. - it may sound a bit dull, but focusing on yourself and something very much worth while can only come up roses! Impress your boss, get a boss, or be the boss! (Just don't drink and job apply - dangerous)
5. Go out! 
If you know you're likely to dwell and the idea of being alone just isn't appealing, then sod it! Go out, glam up, dance, and whatever happens.. happens... Bars, pubs, clubs, even churches throw all sorts of valentine's parties and offers on tickets and drinks, may as well take advantage!
6. Stay in! 
Get your friends, get your face masks, get little 'secret valentine' (like secret Santa.. you get the idea!) for one another, get the wine, the films, the food and you're all set. CHICKS BEFORE DICKS!
7. Drink through it! 
(Cue flashbacks of my freshers week...) This one's pretty self explanatory. Just do as Fred and Ginger would do and "call the whole thing off!" - sod it, just get bloody pissed. By the time you open your eyes the whole affair will be over. sorted.
8. Two words: Booty. Call.
It's valentine's, you've eaten every chocolate in sight, you've spent you 'lingerie and date' fund on booze, it's hit 11pm... if you fingers just so happen to dial that number, of that guy.. what's his name? then you can't be held responsible for the consequences. (Just try to kick him out before you fall asleep, once Valentine's is over - reality sets in again. It's a Cinderella situation, as long as he's gone by morning - nothing. happened.) 
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9. Take the time to take your mums advice!
Spend the day eating properly, drinking enough water, exercising, doing your washing, tidying up and just doing all those things your mum used to nag you to do. Sort out your finances, cancel that subscription to 'mizz' magazine you've had since you were knee high to a grasshopper - exchange it for a grown up mag like 'house and home' or something else all sophisticated and adult. Purge your wardrobe. CALL YOUR MOTHER! Have her as the voice in your head, taking good care of yourself and doing the things that SUCK, will make you feel a whole tonne better (especially when you turn up to work and - instead of joining the hungover couples in purgatory - you look sprightly, well groomed and healthy. Lovely :) )
Just do whatever you want for the night! It's about showing a little bit of extra caring, for yourself, a stranger, a friend, your job or a good bottle of red - either way it's the time to put a little bit of extra effort into happiness. It is only 24 hours after all! Take advantage of it and don't let it go to waste - we don't have a lot of holidays and even less that prescribe a good dose of self love!
I'd love to know how you guys will be spending your valentine's days and any survival plans you might have! Let me know if you liked this post in the comments below :)
Until next time!
Amber x
(see also: Why love sucks:
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